A Simple Guide On How To Use a Credit Card Payment Machine


Using credit card machines is the easiest and fastest way to take payments from your customers. This is probably why almost all business establishments have at least one card payment machine on their checkout counters. There are so many reasons why you should also take this step forward and embrace the modernization of your business.

If you are finally open to using credit card machines to process the payment of your customers, do not be intimidated by this it. They are designed to make payments easy for you. Let this guide walk you through on how to start using card payment machines for your small business.

Step One – Swipe, Dip, Tap

First, you have to input the card numbers. If your customer has the card with them, swipe it onto the card reader. Most of the machines these days with a symbol or a picture on how you swipe the card or which way should the cards’ magnetic strip be. If you are taking a phone order, you will not have the card on hand so you need to select the ‘sale’ option. Follow the onscreen instructions on entering the card number as well as the expiry date. Before you press enter, always double-check the information that has entered.

Step Two – Sales Info

The next information you have to input is the sale information – the sales amount. Use the keypad to enter the amount. Again, double-check what you have entered before you proceed. You can select the ‘clear’ or the ‘delete’ button if you entered a wrong amount. Some machines will prompt you to input more information like the zip code or the order number once you have the sale amount.

Step Three – Approved/Declined

Wait for the process to finish. Usually, it will only take seconds to complete. If for example the machine is stuck on the processing part, never re-enter the sale since this might lead to processing double transactions. What you can do is to call the processing company and ask for assistance. If the process is completed, the payment is complete.

Step Four – Process

This time, you have to print the receipt. If the customer is with you, let them sign the receipt. You also have to give them their copy and keep the original. If you are taking a phone-in payment, keep one of the receipts and send the customer’s copy with the parcel that you are sending to the customer.

Step Five – Close the Batch

Lastly, close the batch. You have to check again with the processing company to run a batch report. If possible, do this every day. This process will forward the credit card charges as well as to deposit the balance onto your account. Some machines have the ‘batch’ button that you can press to initiate the process. Just follow the prompts for you to close the batch for the day.

If you accept card payments, these are the necessary steps that you have to follow for you to assist your customers. It might seem complicated at first, but after a couple of transactions, for sure you will get the hang of it. Always protect your customers’ information. Never take down notes of card numbers that can be stolen and used by others in fraudulent activities. Your customers should be able to trust you with their credit card transactions.


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