A Guide to Choosing the Right Promotional Clothing for Your Brand


Businesses are constantly looking for new ways to advertise and promote their brand, and it’s important now more than ever that we keep the customer’s mind at the heart of what we do.

However along with the appearance of your business, including the premises, website or social media profiles, what your employees are wearing is also an integral part of brand awareness and promoting who you are and what you do.

Choosing the correct promotional branding is important to get right for the awareness of your business, therefore whether you will be appearing at a trade show, promotional event or even just in the workplace, as part of maintaining your brand and pushing it out to the public, it’s essential that your company clothing truly reflects your brand in the best way possible.

Therefore, let’s take a look at some tips as to how you can ensure that your promotional clothing and workwear is doing everything it can to raise awareness for your brand.

Representative of your company

One of the most important points that you need to consider when designing promotional clothing for your brand is that it truly represents the ethics of your company and what you are aiming to achieve.

This will go a long way to communicating to the customer the type of company you are and how you work.

It might be useful to make a list about the qualities of your company and how best the style of clothing will represent this. For example, for a more corporate and professional look, a simpler design using low key colours would be more appropriate rather than if you wanted to give off a more vibrant and fun vibe using brighter colours and showier style of clothing.

Colour and Logo

Your logo is probably one of, if not the most important feature of your branding that represents your company and that consumers will recognise you by.

Logos can be very powerful tools for brand recognition, therefore even if you want to keep your promotional clothing very plain and simple, imprinting your logo onto the clothing will help to reinforce your company brand to the public.

The colour of your promotional clothing is also a fundamental element of raising awareness for your brand as highlighted by Breeze People’s blog looking at selecting the right look for your promotional staff.

While a bright and eye catching design may be more beneficial for one company, another company may choose to opt for that is more something low key, but all in all, one of our suggestions would be that incorporating the colour of your overall brand or logo will also help to strengthen the presence of your brand.


Another point worth considering when designing your promotional clothing is that you don’t want it going out of fashion and looking dated within a matter of months. A contemporary design which is still true to your brand is the best way of ensuring that your staff look professional and smart.

Furthermore, in terms of ensuring that your promotional clothing is durable so that your brand will be exposed for longer, you will also have to take into consideration the cost of the clothing.

A cheap deal for the production of your clothing doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll end up with a quality product, therefore it’s important that you check what exactly you will be getting for your money and that the quality of your promotional clothing is up to scratch to give off a more professional appearance for your business.


Lastly another tip for choosing your promotional clothing is that generally, regularity works best for reinforcing your brand.

Although mixing up the colours and giving your employees different items may appear more interesting, this could give off mixed signals about your brand. Therefore, a consistent design that looks great on all of your staff will be most effective for emphasising your brand and leaving a memorable image and impression of the company’s product in the consumer’s mind.

These are just a few of our top tips for successfully choosing the right promotional clothing for your brand. Remember, stay true to your brand by incorporating its ethos and design into your clothing for maximum impact.

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