Breathe Easier with this Purchase


Air as a resource is safe, flexible, clean, and convenient, and thus, air compressors have been around for well over 100 years. There are dozens of uses for these fantastic products, and over time they have evolved into pieces of equipment you can rely on every time. In fact, this piece of equipment is almost indispensable in its usefulness and versatility in your commercial building. The size and type of compressor you use is highly dependent on the size of your building and the use you wish to get from it. Before you consider which type to buy, you must consider the time and money involved in such a purchase. In addition, you must understand exactly what you wish to do with your compressor and how heavy-duty your machinery is.

Take Stock of Requirements

Industrial air compressors in Sydney were designed with durability, ease of use, and power in mind. A piston compressor with a tank is your best choice for industrial use, and it is important to consider the pressure and volume requirements of any and all tools used during a project. In order to increase work efficiency and get the most out of your compressor, make sure you check each piece of equipment. If you decide not to and just buy the first industrial compressor you see, you will more than likely find yourself stuck waiting for the tank to fill back up. You know better than anyone else how important it is to keep yourself ahead of the competition and save as much time and money as possible.

Choose Piston Over Portable

Although a portable compressor may seem convenient at first glance, these are better used for smaller tools and projects. For industrial projects, a piston-type compressor is your best choice. These are offered in two different varieties: single-stage compressors with only one piston, and two-stage compressors with two. A single-stage compressor was designed to top out at only 150psi, but a two-stage compressor can reach as high at 250psi. In order to determine exactly which one to use in your project, remember to take note of your tool requirements. For an industrial setting, even a smaller one, you are better off with a two-stage compressor, as they can handle the harsh conditions of an industrial project and continuous usage over long periods of time.

Horsepower Matters

The common compressor is fitted with 1.5 to 6.5 HP, or horsepower. For industrial use, you are better off with a compressor fitted with much greater horsepower in order to reach greater psi and thus increase efficiency. Your industry built itself on high-quality products and services, and the products used in each project should reflect this just as easily. You understand better than anyone how important durable, reliable equipment is for the success and longevity of a business.

Air is not only cheaper and safer than electricity, but it is guaranteed to cause fewer problems during a project. Still, you must take the time to really make sure you buy the right air compressor for the job. Bring your efficiency up by as much as five times with the choice of an air compressor, and say goodbye to the frustrations and unreliability of common electrical equipment.

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