Don’t be Sidelined by these Common Types of Fraud


Don’t be a victim of stock and other types of fraud. The opportunities for fraud each and every day are staggering. From entering personal credit card information on a seemingly “secure” website to blindly letting your stock broker make all the major decisions about your investments, it’s hard not to be too trusting. But you must be wary out there. Take note of these common types of fraud.

Fake Online Dealers

It happens a lot: you’re surfing the web and see a killer deal on a brand-name watch or the latest gadget. Is it too good to be true? Often it is. Phony sellers – who by the way look reputable — will accept your payment for the items in question but won’t deliver the products. When making an online purchase, be sure to buy from reputable sites with trust seals at check-out as well as excellent reviews.

Phony Checks

Sometimes a bounced check is an innocent mistake, but other times, phony checks are fraudulent activities that are punishable by law. When taking a check from someone, make sure it clearly states their name and address, which matches up to a license.

Work at Home Scams

Thousands of people are pulled into work at home scams every year because they want so desperately to be able to make a living without the high cost of commuting and child care. But be careful whom you trust. Steer clear of companies that ask you for money up front to join a membership or order a starter kit. This is a red flag.

Fraudulent Check-Outs

You may assume that buying from Amazon and other popular sites would be totally safe. But is the company you’re buying from REALLY Amazon? At first glance, you may not be able to tell the difference from the real site and one by hackers that closely mimics it. They take your money but don’t deliver the goods. A good rule of thumb is to ensure the checkout page matches up with the address in the web browser. Notice odd country designations like “.ru,” (“Russia”)? Do your shopping elsewhere.


Fraudulent charities prey on the vulnerabilities of people — especially naturally trusting senior citizens – by asking for donations to help the needy. They con their victims into giving up their personal information and credit card numbers over the phone, then take the money with no intentions of donating to a charity. As someone who truly does want to help others, how can you be sure which charities are fake and which ones are legitimate? It’s best to research and select your own charity rather than respond to phone calls asking for money out of the blue. Check out the company before you send money, call them or donate directly on their website.

Stock Fraud

Lastly, stock fraud is another common form of fraud where unsuspecting investors get bilked of their savings by greedy brokers. You do have recourse, though. If you’ve been the victim of stock fraud, or suspect you have been, consult with stock fraud attorneys like theThomas Law Group for justice.

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